There are two files (.css and .js) delivered with this plugin and that must be incluced in your html page after the jquery.js library, and prior to making any attempts at using it. Both of these are to be included inside of the ‘head’ element of the document.
Attaches a ptTimeSelect widget to each matched element. Matched elements must be input fields that accept a values (input field). Each element, when focused upon, will display a time selection popoup where the user can define a time.
@param {OBJECT} opt | (Optional) An object with the options for the time selection widget. |
containerClass | String. A class to be assocated with the popup widget. (default: none) |
containerWidth | String. Css width for the container. (default: none) |
hoursLabel | String. Label for the Hours. (default: Hours) |
minutesLabel | String. Label for the Mintues. (default: Minutes) |
setButtonLabel | String. Label for the Set button. (default: SET) |
popupImage | String. The html element (ex. img or text) to be appended next to each input field and that will display the time select widget upon click. |
zIndex | Int. Interger for the popup widget z-index. |
onBeforeShow | Function. Function to be called before the widget is made visible to the user. Function is passed 2 arguments: 1) the input field as a jquery object and 2) the popup widget as a jquery object. |
onClose | Function. Function to be called after closing the popup widget. Function is passed 1 argument: the input field as a jquery object. |
onFocusDisplay | Boolean. True or False indicating if popup is auto displayed upon focus of the input field. (default:true) |
- @return {object} jQuery